Friday, February 10, 2012


My happiness today is seeing how precise Roo's tracing of letters has gotten. She's going to be reading and writing soon...

Daily Happiness: Breakfast and Freelance.

So, we're broke. Like, utterly (which doesn't bode well for my weekend whiskey habit). But, because we're broke, it means we must be creative with what we have and work harder to dig ourselves out of this hole.

So, I'm focusing my energy this morning on working for the blog I don't get paid to work for, but gives me exposure, while editing a book I do get paid to edit and scouring the Interwebz for more freelance work. The husband, meanwhile, is using his creative energy to make us a breakfast using what's available in our kitchen (hint, it includes eggs, because we have lots of those).

My happiness is spending time with my husband and allowing our creative juices to flow for our benefit.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Daily Happiness - 12/26/2010

I am thankful that due to the holiday and my usual day off I got two days off from work in a row, just in time for my cold to get worse. I hope tomorrow it will be better :-) Also I got to spend more time with my hubby and my kitty cat.

Monday, November 15, 2010

November 14: Happiness Shared on Facebook

Today's Happiness: watching Kaden pull out linoleum in the bedroom. He is SUCH a good helper and a total crack up.--Kate

Today's happiness: my homemade chicken pot pie.--Crystal

Sunday, November 14, 2010

November 14

Today's Happiness: Spending the entire day just me and Acadia-Rose snuggling and watching great kids' movies.

November 13: Happiness Shared on Facebook

The neighborhood picnic and visiting with family afterward. :-)--Jocelyn

having paul and I feel better after being super sick yesterday...--Lissa

Winning a prize at the baby shower for my "water breaking" first.--Jenny

My happiness for today...I get to babysit my niece tonight. =o)--Lindsay